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| 5v5+Gk |

5 against 6 for defensive and ofensive organization.

Complexity of 50%




The exercise begins with the white players in possession of the ball. The team should be open, with the two full backs in the yellow boxes, the central defenders open in the width of the area and the central midfielder in the middle and up in the field. One of the central defenders begins with the ball.

The yellow team should begin with this positions: the striker in the front of the oposite central midfielder; the wingers near the full backs and; the offensive midfielders near the line of the exercise.

The central defender makes a short pass to the other central defender that makes a pass to the goalkeeper. This one should move to the side of the ball, receives it and puts it long pass to the full back that is in the yellow box of the side of the ball.

The yellow team should start pressing higher in the field, with the winger of the side of the ball going to press the central back, leaving the full back free.

At this stage of the exercise the yellow team doesn't try to recover the ball. They only adjust to the positions of the players in possession. This way we are creating the same conditions as when the opponent team is pressing very high in the field.

In the game, we want to attract the oposite team to come up in the field and then play long. If the full back control the ball he doesn't have much pressure from a opponent, leaving him with space to go forward. With one pass we can put the team in a 4 against 4 situation.

Back to the exercise, after the full back receives the ball he passes to the nearest opponent attacking midfielder.

At this moment the white team loses the ball and they are in a offensive structure. This one is caracterized to have more space in width with the players having more space between them.

In the moment of losing the ball, all players should change their focus and close the space between them, occuping the middle of the field. The defensive structure is caracterized by having less width and be more compact as a team.

The white team should recover their defensive positions by closing as fast as they can. Meanwhile the central midfielder should press immediatly the attacking midfielder with ball, to protect the back of the defensive line.

The yellow team should wait for the white team to regain their positions, at least in the first stages of this exercise. We want to pass the information of what the team should do in case of losing the ball.

When the players know how to behave in this situation, we allow the yellow team to attack as quickly as possible. This way we pressure the defensive line to be as fast as possible to regain their defensive positions or they will suffer a goal.

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