1v1+Gr with two balls in a space of 20 meters in depth by 15 meters in width.
14% Complexity

The exercise begins with the coach putting a long high ball for the defender to clear it with a header. The ball must be put in a way that forces the defender jump to clear the ball.
With this first ball we are training the player to analyse the trajectory of one aerial ball before clearing with a header. Knowing were the ball is going to drop and actually hitting with a header a aerial ball is very important in football, especially for the central defenders.

In the moment the defender is clearing the first ball, one attacker enters the exercise with a second ball for a 1v1 situation against the defender and a goalkeeper.
With this second ball we are training the defender in the transitions. He must be very fast in reacting to the attacker immediatly after he clears the first ball. Clearing a ball doesn't stop the game, many times we need to react to another stimulus in a matter of seconds.

If the defender recorvers the ball he must pass it to the coach (transition pass).
After recovering a ball the game doesn't end.
In the moment of recovering the ball, the defender put it as fast as possible out of pressure (transition pass). This way it prevents the opponent to press after he loses the ball and it give the possibility to the team to enter in a counterattack.
If the attacker loses the ball he must react immediatly and press the defender trying to recover the ball back or preventing a transition pass.

After the exercise is finish, the attacker becomes the defender, receiving the first from the coach. The defender leaves the exercise and goes to the line of the attackers. A new attacker enters the exercise.

João Miguel Parreira